Aminet Uploads vom 19.07.1999

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AminetGUI von A. Kurtz

StarBase.lha         biz/dbase  181K+Star Trek Episodes Database 3.0c+1.2c
xtm-mandala.lha      biz/dkg     97K+Additional texture for Extreme
PP71B_680x0_in.lha   biz/patch    2K+68020-030-040-060 Easy Script Installer 
Mo-Over.lha          comm/amiex 181K+Collection of doors for AmiExpress (AREX
HydraBBS.lha         comm/bbs   2.2M+HydraBBS, Fantastic new BBS System
HydraBBSu5.lha       comm/bbs   386K+HydraBBS. Update V1.04 to V1.05
AmigaNG.lha          comm/mail  404K+The AmigaNG case made with imagine 4.0
ampop140.lha         comm/misc  110K+Sending/recieving of WinPopUp Messages
AmTelnet_HU.lha      comm/misc    4K+Unofficial hungarian locale AmTelnet1.36
Cibils304.lha        comm/misc  127K+MUI Amateur Radio utility v3.04
DigiCam.lha          comm/misc   42K+Tool for some Digital Cameras
MLocator.lha         comm/misc   24K+HAM grid locator <-> latitude/longtitude
FreedomGer.lha       comm/net     9K+German Catalogs for FreedomCall V1.13
haracz11.lha         comm/tcp    39K+V1.1, Analizes Miami logfiles (Polish)(T
PSB-KkubeSLC.lha     demo/aga    58K+Kkube SLC remix by PSB - from Xenium'99
PSB-PchliTarg.lha    demo/aga   616K+"Pchli Targ" - wild from rush hours`99
PSB-Summerator.lha   demo/aga   3.0M+"Summerator" - wild demo from xenium`99
SCX.IfN.098.lha      demo/aga   584K+Infestation 0098/SCOOPEX - XENIUM'99 -
visiondemo.lha       demo/aga   161K+Demo of 3D engine 'Vision'
wpz-frozen16.lha     demo/aga   741K+Frozen Pack#16 - Scene Meeting Party Edi
wpz-hoax.lha         demo/aga    55K+64kb intro by Whelpz released at Xenium'
MWI-Eclipse.lha      demo/intro  65K+"eclipse" by madwizards - 1st at xenium`
saku99.lha           demo/intro 535K+Invitation Intro for Finnish Saku 99.
jrm-ep69.lha         demo/sound 474K+DA JoRMaS: Elastik Pitch #69
PersonnalDEMO.lha    dev/amos   361K+Amos Personnal Extension 1.0a
dice-docs-3-xx.lha   dev/c      337K+DICE Compiler Documentation (AmigaGuide)
amiga9.lha           dev/cross   72K+LUnix SDK (chkobj chklib lld lupo luna r
dech.lha             dev/e       36K+Deniil's E-Compiler Handler v1.34a
portraitsrc.lha      dev/src    475K+24-bit paint package (source)
APX-SAT.lha          docs/anno    7K+Taboo #0-magazine by Appendix,Xenium99 e
fxPAINT_anno.lha     docs/anno   52K+Announcement of THE image processing sof
Amiga_MO_FAQ.lha     docs/help  301K+V1.4, Amiga Magneto-Optical Drive FAQ
AaktInt0799.lha      docs/mags  358K+International infotainment magazine
AaktInt0799GFX.lha   docs/mags  417K+International infotainment magazine (gra
SpoonFeedFAQ.lha     docs/misc    2K+Help for the frustrated spoon-feeder
ImpDemoUK.lha        game/demo  773K+English Demo of commercial game Imperato
Buzzy+.lha           game/misc  861K+Arcade Game writed in AmosPro
cockpittable.lha     game/misc    2K+F1GP cockpit co-ordinate table
CurtWorms.lha        game/patch  54K+3 Worms levels
P90Install.lha       game/patch  26K+HD Installer for Paradroid90
TheMod.lha           game/patch 1.7M+Quake competition servermod v0.98
Z2Install.lha        game/patch  36K+HD Installer for Zeewolf 2: Wild Justice
ZInstall.lha         game/patch  36K+HD Installer for Zeewolf
angband.lha          game/role  756K+Angband 2.8.3h - Roguelike solo RPG
TBDemo.lha           game/role  763K+Isometric adventure game demo from engin
zangband.lha         game/role  1.4M+Zangband 2.2.5d - Roguelike solo RPG
startrekprg.lha      game/think 1.2M+-Star Trek-, adds new features!
startrekupd.lha      game/think 486K+Update of -Star Trek- fixes some bugs
R4NabooFighter.lha   gfx/3dobj  253K+Monzoom StarWars Episode I Naboo-Fighter
VE-batchpro.lha      gfx/edit     2K+Visual Eng. - Batch process v1.00
VE-Examples2.lha     gfx/edit   499K+Visual Eng. - Examples 2
VE-merge.lha         gfx/edit     3K+Visual Eng. - Merge v2.00
VE-ReadMe.lha        gfx/edit     3K+Visual Eng. - README
VE-saveit.lha        gfx/edit     2K+Visual Eng. - SaveIT v1.00
VE-signature.lha     gfx/edit     3K+Visual Eng. - Signature v1.02
VE-VTexture2.lha     gfx/edit    14K+Visual Eng. - Visual Texture 2 v1.00
VLRecNG.lha          gfx/misc   418K+V3.0: The VLab recording and grabbing so
Apdf020.lha          gfx/show   205K+PDF doc. viewer, 020/030+fpu
Apdf040.lha          gfx/show   204K+PDF doc. viewer, 040+fpu
Apdf060.lha          gfx/show   203K+PDF doc. viewer, 060+fpu
Apdfppc.lha          gfx/show   275K+PDF doc. viewer, PPC (PowerUp)
Apdfsrc.lha          gfx/show   528K+PDF document viewer, source code
Apdf_nofpu.lha       gfx/show   211K+PDF doc. viewer, 020+, no fpu
NESDevTools.lha      misc/emu    46K+NES Development Graphics Tools
imdbDiff990709.lha   misc/imdb  1.9M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
5KMilesAway.lha      mods/evrim   2K+A far away chiptune by eVRIMSSON
BattleBegins.lha     mods/evrim 128K+Gametune "Battle" by eVRIMSSON
BattleDoorFX.lha     mods/evrim  74K+Gametune "Battle" by eVRIMSSON
BattleGameOv.lha     mods/evrim  28K+Gametune "Battle" by eVRIMSSON
BattleIntro1.lha     mods/evrim  80K+Gametune "Battle" by eVRIMSSON
BattleIntro2.lha     mods/evrim  72K+Gametune "Battle" by eVRIMSSON
BattleLevel1.lha     mods/evrim  67K+Gametune "Battle" by eVRIMSSON
BattleLevel2.lha     mods/evrim  29K+Gametune "Battle" by eVRIMSSON
BattleLevel3.lha     mods/evrim 141K+Gametune "Battle" by eVRIMSSON
BattleLevel4.lha     mods/evrim 135K+Gametune "Battle" by eVRIMSSON
BattleLevel5.lha     mods/evrim  67K+Gametune "Battle" by eVRIMSSON
Battle_Fear.lha      mods/evrim 188K+Gametune "Battle" by eVRIMSSON
Battle_Runs.lha      mods/evrim  41K+Gametune "Battle" by eVRIMSSON
BestYears.lha        mods/evrim   3K+A best year's chiptune by eVRIMSSON
CoolIsThat.lha       mods/evrim 156K+This tune is cool, that is... by eVRIMSS
DaFoolsDance.lha     mods/evrim  10K+Another great dancing chiptune by eVRIMS
HumanDesaster.lha    mods/evrim   2K+Human's desaster, but cool chiptune by e
Illegal.lha          mods/evrim   7K+A hard robotic chiptune by eVRIMSSON
ImpulseBeat.lha      mods/evrim  20K+Only beats - by eVRIMSSON
Just1Minute.lha      mods/evrim 287K+Two short introtunes by eVRIMSSON
MotivePower.lha      mods/evrim   1K+Powered by motive - a chiptune by eVRIMS
MyBlueSky.lha        mods/evrim 382K+Guitar and new age'n`beats -  by eVRIMSS
NobodyButMe.lha      mods/evrim 182K+A demolike dancefloor tune - #eVRIMSSON
SmallVillage.lha     mods/evrim   2K+Nice memories... a chiptune by eVRIMSSON
TimeRunners.lha      mods/evrim 263K+Demotune from Nuance Demo- by eVRIMSSON
WinterLove.lha       mods/evrim 117K+From Jurassic Pack Diskmag #7 by eVRIMSS
lnsR24_mat.lha       mods/hardc 190K+Matador - acid-core mix
ways.lha             mods/jorma 179K+Ways by Vesuri (House, from JRm-EP69)
Cong.lha             mods/jungl 212K+Abstrakt Beats by istari
lns51_neroEp1.lha    mods/jungl 426K+Tall man from cylon - jungle (Nero Ep p1
Y2K.lha              mods/jungl 524K+Drum and Bass by istari
tst_2d4u.lha         mods/med   145K+Boppy techno dance octamed module
tst_sens.lha         mods/med   230K+Beaty melodic jungle octamed module
Guitar_Kinki.lha     mods/melod  75K+Spoochy's 21st OctaMed mod.
Loganado.lha         mods/melod  47K+Spoochy's 22nd OctaMed mod.
Disco_Lars.lha       mods/pop    42K+Spoochy's 20th OctaMed mod.
JM_Mods.lha          mods/pro   650K+Seven PT modules by Julcio
lns44_duck.lha       mods/techn 203K+Duck dealer - minimalism 
lns50_peoEp3.lha     mods/techn 538K+Beat me in moscow - minimalistic trance 
lns50_peoEp4.lha     mods/techn 298K+African people - triabal techno (people 
lns51_neroEp2.lha    mods/techn 438K+Between 2 chairs - dark junglistic elect
lns51_neroEp3.lha    mods/techn 386K+The return of the butter-man - slowbeat 
lns52_mandEp1.lha    mods/techn 376K+It never happens - jungle influted minim
lns52_mandEp2.lha    mods/techn 503K+The slave of death - jungle influted min
lns49_hardEp1.lha    mods/tranc 342K+On the factory floor - hardtrance Ep par
lns49_hardEp2.lha    mods/tranc 220K+Furry legs - hardtrance Ep part 2
lns53_babl.lha       mods/tranc 249K+Babling like a loon - melodic goatrance
lnsR25_smur.lha      mods/tranc 623K+The smurf play-ground - trance mix
WTDemo.lha           mus/edit   771K+WaveTracer - an extensive sound-editor/ 
WTDemoWOS.lha        mus/edit   898K+WaveTracer - an extensive sound-editor/ 
cdda2aiff.lha        mus/misc     6K+Add AIFF header on raw CDDA files
TheMPegEncGui.lha    mus/misc    53K+GUI for Ncode, MusicIn, Lame(r), Pegase,
AHIRecord.lha        mus/play    25K+Advanced AHI HD-Recorder V1.6
CGFXBoot.lha         pix/boot    87K+CyberGraphX boot-config for Rainboot2
AmigaNG.lha          pix/imagi  404K+The AmigaNG case made with imagine 4.0
Ooze.lha             pix/imagi  385K+The Ooze, made with Imagine 4.0
Naboo-Fighter.jpg    pix/mark   398K+The Phantom Menace: A Naboo Fighter
StargazerFinal.jpg   pix/mark   440K+Star Trek: Captain Picard's first vessel
AP5Recto.jpg         pix/misc   182K+AMiGa=PoWeR N 5 Cover Recto
SA-Icons.lha         pix/nicon  513K+New GlowIcons2       Icons/ImageDrawers/
AF_Workbench.lha     pix/wb     142K+Workbench of Andreas Falkenhahn
JulcioWB.lha         pix/wb     853K+Julcio WB with Scalos :)
Thrym_MosherWB.lha   pix/wb     222K+Thrym&Mosher's 1024*768*24 bit WB screen
easyext1_0.lha       util/arc    22K+Trogsoft EasyExtract
Rainboot2_64.lha     util/boot  781K+The Ultimate Multimedia Boot v2.64
bcopy.lha            util/cli     4K+Copy files from disks with maxtransfer e
EasyHex.lha          util/cli     3K+View header on large files
Ren.lha              util/cli     3K+Rename long filenames containing ()?#*
MMULib.lha           util/libs  415K+Library to ctrl the MC68K MMUs, gamma
AminetIdx.lha        util/misc   30K+V1.3 INDEX display, search & more (MUI)
JoinSpliter.lha      util/misc   24K+The best join- and splitprogram! (v1.14)
LSFileCut.lha        util/misc    7K+Cut data from FILE with position, and le
md5sum2.lha          util/misc   16K+Enhanced MD5 checksum utility with Amiga
radder1_0.lha        util/misc  123K+Trogsoft Radder
randram.lha          util/misc    6K+Trogsoft RandRam
TerMaker.lha         util/misc  113K+Program SuperEnalotto (only italy)
PoolMem.lha          util/sys    65K+Memory defragmentizer/AllocP superset
ABeat.lha            util/time   10K+Simple Swatch-Beat clock.
addassign1_2.lha     util/wb     53K+Trogsoft AddAssign
uninstall1_61.lha    util/wb     88K+Trogsoft UnInstaller

© Petra Struck 19.07.1999